
CSPD school libraries are physical and digital places of inquiry and reading.

They provide access to a range of resources that help kids on their Learning journey and help inspire purposeful learning.

Through access to our library resources and services, students develop a range of learner dispositions and capabilities to cultivate a culture of curiosity, creativity, imagination and innovation.

Physical Library

Our library is co-ordinated by a qualified teacher/librarian.

All students have the opportunity for lessons, borrowing, skill development and information research. It plays a central role in our school.

The library is fully utilised as a learning centre which supports the teaching programs in the classrooms. Our book collection is extensive and very well equipped. The integration of learning technologies are an integral part of the library’s program. Each child is expected to have a library bag to protect the books they borrow when transporting to/from class and home. It is the children’s responsibility to ensure books borrowed are returned and not misplaced.


eLibrary is the digital gateway to the range of quality online resources that encourage and enhance reading and support inquiry learning.

Access our elibrary